Dudley Canal Branches


Dudley Canal Branches

* Image colourised from black and white original

Two Locks Line

Two Locks Line from the SW 1947 (Britain from Above)

Two Locks Line from the W 1950 (Britain from Above)

Two Locks Line from the S 1947 (Britain from Above)

* Subsidence above the Lower Lock

Lower Lock (David Morris)

* Lower Lock 1955 (Philip Weaver)

* Lower Lock 1955 (Philip Weaver)

* East from Lower Lock 1955 (Philip Weaver)

* West from Upper Lock 1955 (Philip Weaver)

West from Upper Lock (Martin OKeeffe, BCNS)

* East Junction (Vic Smallshire)

East Junction (Vic Smallshire)

Two Locks Line from the East (Hugh Potter)

Grazebrook Arm

Parkhead (Vic Smallshire)

Grazebrook Junction
 (Philip Weaver RCHS)

Grazebrook Arm Entrance 1965 (Ian Huselbee)

Grazebrook Arm Entrance (Hugh Compton, RCHS)

Glazebrook Junction
 (Vic Smallshire)

Viaduct (Andy Tidy?)

Viaduct 1949 (Britain from Above)

From Viaduct (George Smallshire, DCTT)

Peartree Lane
 1949 (Britain from Above)

North to the Viaduct 1965 (Fisha)

Parkhead 1950s (DCTT)

Peartree Lane
 1949 (Britain from Above)

Peartree Lane and Basin
 1946 (Britain from Above)

Peartree Lane and Basin
 1946 (Britain from Above)

Pensnett (Lord Ward's) Canal

Pensnett Junction 1957 (Arthur Watts CRT)

Pensnett Junction (Will Souter BCNS)

Pensnett Junction (Vic Smallshire)

Pensnett Junction 1965 (Ian Huselbee)

Accomodation Bridge and Parkhead Top Lock (Vic Smallshire)

Junction and Accomodation Bridge from Railway (David Morris)

Parkhead Viaduct 1957 (Arthur Watts CRT)

Parkhead Area 1946 (Britain from Above)

Parkhead Viaduct (Hugh Compton, RCHS)

Parkhead Area looking SW 1934 (Britain from Above)

Pedmore Road 1973

Pedmore Road 1950 (Britain from Above)

Pedmore Road 1950 (Britain from Above)

Looking East to Pedmore Road

Pedmore Road 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill (Brain Clifts)

Harts Hill 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill

Canal Street 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill (Dominic Gauden)

Harts Hill 1997 (David Townsend)

Canal Street 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill Iron Works 1958 (David Morris)

Harts Hill 1950 (Britain from Above)

Harts Hill 1997 (David Townsend)

Round Oak 1947 (Britain from Above)

Dudley Road 1947 (Britain from Above)

East from Dudley Road 1997 (David Townsend)

Dudley Road 1947 (Britain from Above)

Dudley Road 1951 (Britain from Above)

The Wallows

The Wallows 1951 (Britain from Above)

The Wallows 1927 (Michael Ware, CRT)

The Wallows 1951 (Britain from Above)

Delph Old Locks

* Delph Bottom Lock 1990 (Duncan Moore)

* Delph Bottom Lock

New and Line of Old Locks 2021 (Andy Tidy)

Delph Locks (Aerofilms)

* Delph New and Old Locks 1990 (Duncan Moore)

Bottom of Old Line on the Right 1983 (Edwin Shearing)

* Delph Locks New and Old Line

Lower Group of Old Locks (Alan Smith)

Lower Group of Old Locks (Alan Smith)

Lower Group of Old Locks 1983 (Dennis Hadley, RCHS)

Upper Group of Old Locks 1983 (Dennis Hadley, RCHS)

* Delph Lock Cottage 1990 (Duncan Moore)

* Old Lock 2 (Philip Weaver, RCHS)

* Old Lock 2 (Philip Weaver, RCHS)

Old Lock 2 (Alan Smith)

* Old Lock 2 1990 (Duncan Moore)

* Old Lock 2 (Philip Weaver, RCHS)

Top of the Old Line 1970 (Dennis Hadley, RCHS)

* Delph Locks 1954 (Paul Collins Collection)

* Top of the Old Line 1990 (Duncan Moore)

* Top of the Old Line 1969 (Arthur Watts, CRT)

* Top Lock 1970 
1969 (Arthur Watts, CRT)

Withymoor Arm

Withymoor Arm 1950 (Britain from Above)

* Withymoor Junction 1954 (RJ Little, Dudley Archives)

Withymoor Junction (Arthur Farrand Radley, BCNS)

Withymoor Junction (Andy Tidy)

* East from Junction Bridge (Dudley Teachers Centre)

Withymoor Arm 1950 (Britain from Above)

Bumblehole and Boshboil Arm

Bumblehole Arm 1945 (Google Earth)

Bumblehole Arm 1950 (Britain from Above)

Boshboil Arm 1950 (Britain from Above)

Bumblehole Arm (Laurence Hogg)

Bumblehole Arm (Dudley Teachers Centre)

Bumblehole Arm (Neil Pitt, Paul Smith Collection)

Bumblehole Bridge 1955 (Edward Pagett Tomlinson)

Bumblehole Bridge (David Morris)

Bumblehole Bridge (Dudley Teachers Centre)

Lord Wards Branch

Lord Ward's Branch 1935 (Britain from Above)

Birmingham Road Bridge (Vic Smallshire)

Lord Wards Branch (Aerofilms)

Birmingham Road Bridge (Vic Smallshire)

* Lord Ward's Branch and Dudley Canal

Lord Ward's Branch (BCNS)

These images are reproduced for ease of research are are not the property of this blog, and as such should 
not be used for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the owner (whoever that may be).


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